Origins of the Porcelain Throne We all take a lot of modern things for granted these days. We usually don’t even realize it at all, from the ease of a toaster to being able to get fruit year-round. But at the end of the day, it’s a pile of...
Issues with Toilet Leaking into Bowl? Fix It Yourself!
By James
A Leaky Tank Anything that contains water has the potential to leak. This is a fact. Sometimes, you won’t even realize it’s leaking until it’s too late. Or you might not even think it’ll ever be a problem that will happen to you. There are plenty of factors that...
Toilet Tank Wobbles and Worries
By James
Plight of the Homeowner One problem that you can add to the list of certainties in life (death and taxes, right?) is that a homeowner will have toilet troubles. That is to say jiggling the handle doesn’t fix it. Of course, this month we’ll be looking at one problem...